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There are numerous skills required to structure and follow a process of acquisition, sale or restructuring that can be useful to companies even by themselves. This is why Atlhas Finance makes them available to its customers as an additional opportunity to develop mutual knowledge.

Some examples are briefly described below and more details can be found by pressing the relevant buttons at the bottom of the page.


The preparation of simple economic, patrimonial and financial projections at 2-3 years - for internal use - allows the company to better articulate its strategic lines, evaluating the quantitative impact not only in terms of development of turnover and margins, but also of financial requirements.

Competitors’ Benchmark

Analysis of the financial statements of major competitors is often a useful source of information.

Of course, within the limits of what is made available in the financial statements, which is already a lot, and certainly better than nothing.

In fact, from the financial statements is almost always possible to trace the average margins, the incidence of personnel costs, the amount of investment, the growth rate, ... all information that can be fundamental in evaluating own strategic choices and possibly review the structure of own company and the processes adopted in it.

Historical Analysis

An analysis of the historical trend of income statement, balance sheet and financial data, on an annual or better quarterly basis, allows you to gather useful information on the state of health of your company.

In fact, it is often only through early diagnosis that difficult situations can be successfully resolved, before they become full-blown crises, thus limiting the risks to the company.

Even two consecutive quarters of declining operating margins are an important signal. As such they requires not only the attention of the entrepreneur, but also the deployment of interventions aimed at reversing the situation before the company begins to absorb cash instead of generating it, with the serious financial consequences that follow.

This is because company crises in conditions of financial tension are much more difficult to manage and have much smaller margins for positive resolution.

Industrial Plans

The preparation of a real business plan for external use is an indispensable tool for accessing medium- to long-term financing lines of a certain size, aimed, for example, at development investments.

In fact, banks now require visibility not only on the use of the resources they make available, but also on their impact on the company's accounts, its performance and its actual capability to repay them on time.

Financial management

Careful treasury management is in many cases a tool for optimising the use of short-term credit lines, and more specifically commercial credit lines, allowing a better understanding:

  • of financial requirements and therefore the optimal sizing and use of credit lines with a reduction of associated financial costs;
  • of the most appropriate commercial policies – in term of cash discounts – to be adopted time by time.



The valuation of participations at market value is a tool that companies have to use in case of IAS/IFRS financial statements.

In this case, the cost of relying on a specialized advisor would provide greater assurance that no errors are made that would impact on the veracity of the financial statements, and would not entail costs higher than those usually incurred by relying on an accountant.

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